Snow Plows and Salt Spreaders
Iron Horse Towing
YourMeyer ProductsDealer
Meyer | Super - V3 Plow

Dependable Solutions in Snow & Ice Control

When the snow flies, expectations are high. People are counting on you for immediate response to keep roads, parking lots and driveways clear ... and safe. How do you get it done? With dedication, determination ... and snowplows and salt spreaders from Meyer. The combination of Meyer powerful and reliable plows and spreaders and superior installation and service provided by us -- your trusted dealer -- gives you what you need to tackle the harshest weather events.


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Salt Spreaders
Meyer has versatile all-season spreaders that will fit your needs. Find the right salt spreader for your vehicle and application.
Meyer Products tailgate salt spreader image
Tailgate Spreaders

Your vehicle can handle a lot. Why not have it help you control ice and snow? Add one of Meyer’s powerful tailgate spreaders to turn your truck, SUV or tractor into an ice-melting machine.

Meyer Crossfire Insert Spreader image
Insert Spreaders

Transform your vehicle into a salt-spreading champion with a Meyer insert hopper spreader. Ideal for large-scale spreading jobs and perfect to pair with a Meyer commercial plow to create a truck that’s built for tackling snow.

Meyer Hotshot walk behind salt spreader image
Walk-behind Spreaders

Walk-behind spreader uses are diverse, and the Meyer line has multiple options to meet your needs. Whether you’re looking for a broadcast spreader for year-round use or a drop spreader to melt ice along narrow walkways, there's a Meyer spreader for you.

Snowplows Designed to Handle the Toughest Weather Conditions
Built with quality and durability, Meyer snowplows lead the industry with exclusive features, including:
  • Tallest moldboards with most aggressive attack angles
  • Optimum ground clearance
  • Exclusive pistol-grip controllers featuring Hands-free Plowing (HFP)
  • Adjustable drop-speed hydraulics
  • Simple, two-piece plug connections
  • Fully adjustable Night Sabre LED lights

  • And, a 5-Year Warranty ... the longest and strongest in the industry.
    Meyer Lot Pro snowplow image

    Innovative Attachment System: Save Time & Increase Productivity

    Now, snow fighters can get more done with the most efficient plow attachment solution. The Meyer Attachment System enables the plow to be effortlessly mounted or dismounted in 3 easy steps, in less than a minute. This cutting-edge system features spring-tension release pins and a hydraulic switch enabling the operator to attach or detach from one side of the plow.
    (Currently available for Meyer Lot Pro plows).

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    Complete the form to connect with Iron Horse Towing for all of your snow and ice removal equipment needs.

    Meyer Lot Pro snowplow image


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    Iron Horse Towing

    6593 Hwy 10 West
    Missoula, MT 59808

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